Welcome to my mammy blog! Ok..so here goes..

Hi everyone, my name is Melissa. I am married 7 years and I have 3 children. .all boys. They are 5, 4 and 7 months. I just thought I could share with you other mamas, and of course anyone else who might be reading this, how hard and tough life can be at times. Don’t get me wrong…the good times far out weigh the not so good times..and I wouldn’t change a single thing about them. I adore them. They are my absolute world. I could never imagine them not in my life and I would do anything for them. The love I have for them is astounding. But let’s face it….Sometimes it’s so damn hard.

On your first child you are so oblivious to everything and just so overwhelmed with love. It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world! You want to scream from the hilltops “look at this beautiful baby that we made”. Nothing compares to it. The joy, the love, the snuggles, the smell, the cute little fingers and toes! And it’s all yours!! Awwwww

I always wonder why, when babies are born, and I mean days to weeks old, people always ask “are they good?” Do people not know that pretty much all new born do is sleep poop and eat? It’s really not until a good few weeks in that, in some cases, it gets harder. Much harder.

In my blog I’ll share with you some of my experiences. Some good, amazing and fantastic. And some pretty crap, depressing and probably boring stuff too!

I love being a mammy. It’s the best feeling in the world. And also the single most toughest job in the world. And anyone who says it’s easy is a big fat liar!

Have a peek at my blogs and feel free to tell me what you think. 

